Protecting Our Students from the Unions

As I step into the race for the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District School Board, it's crucial that we address some of the challenges we face as a district, state, and nation. One such challenge revolves around the role of teachers unions, particularly in California, and the growing pushback against their influence in shaping our education system.

The California Teachers Association (CTA), which is locally known as the Association of Placentia-Linda Educators (APLE), one of the most powerful unions in the state, has been a significant player in public education policy. While their primary mission is to protect the rights and welfare of teachers, concerns have been raised about whether these efforts always align with the best interests of students and families. As a candidate committed to transparency, accountability, and the protection of parents' rights, I believe we must take a closer look at the concerns fueling the pushback against teachers unions in California.

Education Reform and Resistance to Change

One of the most prominent criticisms of the CTA/APLE and other teachers unions is their resistance to meaningful education reform. Whether it's proposals to reform tenure policies or hold educators more accountable for student outcomes, unions have consistently pushed back on these efforts. While it's essential to protect teachers from unfair dismissal, we must also ensure that ineffective teaching is addressed swiftly to benefit our students.

I believe we need to find a balance between supporting our teachers and ensuring that every child has access to quality education. Reform doesn't have to mean taking away teacher rights, but it should mean elevating the standards of education across the board.

The Debate Over School Choice

Another key point of contention is the union's opposition to school choice options, such as charter schools and voucher programs. Parents in underserved communities often feel trapped in failing schools with few alternatives. Charter schools and vouchers provide an opportunity for families to choose the best educational environment for their children, but unions argue that these options divert much-needed resources from public schools.

As a parent and a community advocate, I believe that every family should have access to quality education, regardless of where they live or their financial situation. We need to explore innovative solutions to improve all schools while giving parents more agency in their children's education.

The Impact of COVID-19 School Closures

Perhaps the most contentious issue in recent years was the handling of school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers unions, including the CTA/APLE, played a significant role in determining when and how schools would reopen. Many parents and community members felt that the unions prioritized teacher safety (based on poor data and opinions) over student needs, contributing to extended school closures that negatively impacted students' mental health and academic progress.

We must learn from these experiences and ensure that moving forward, the needs of students, parents, and teachers are balanced. Schools are the backbone of our communities, and keeping them open and safe should be a top priority, even in challenging circumstances.

Political Influence and Accountability

Another significant concern revolves around the political influence of teachers unions. The CTA is a powerful lobbying group in California, often aligning with specific political agendas. Some critics argue that this influence prioritizes the union's political goals over what's best for students.

I am running for school board to ensure that education policy is centered on students, families, and the community, not politics. Education is too important to be used as a political tool, and I will fight to keep decision-making transparent and focused on improving our schools.

The Need for Fiscal Responsibility

Finally, salary and pension negotiations, often driven by union contracts, have become a point of tension. While we must pay our teachers fairly, the growing pension liabilities in California's education system are unsustainable. These financial commitments drain resources that could be used to improve classrooms, update technology, and provide additional student support services.

We need to be fiscally responsible with our education budget, ensuring that funds are used effectively to support both teachers and students. Our children's education should never be compromised by financial mismanagement or misplaced priorities.

Moving Forward: A Balanced Approach to Education

As your candidate for the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District School Board, I believe we need a balanced approach to addressing these challenges. Teachers are the cornerstone of education, but we must also advocate for reforms that ensure accountability, improve educational outcomes, and prioritize the well-being of our students.

It's time to have honest conversations about the role of unions in education and work together to find solutions that benefit everyone—students, parents, and teachers alike. We can achieve a high-performance education system that protects parents' rights, fosters transparency, and puts our students first.

If elected, I will work tirelessly to ensure that our district remains a place where every student can thrive, every teacher can succeed, and every family has a voice in their children's education.

Let’s move forward together, with the best interest of our children at the forefront.

"DISCLAIMER: This information is written by Ryan Miller, candidate for the PYLUSD School Board. It is published by the Miller for School Board Campaign Team and is not funded by any candidate or candidate's committee, with no associated costs."


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